Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
其實這個問題,不是哲學家才去思想,我們每一個人也應該好好思想一下。坦白說,你認為人死後甚麼也沒有,這事合情理嗎?你希望如此嗎?若你的良心認為人死後生命應該仍有延續,你也的確希望如此,那為什麼你從不為此事去了解多些及準備一下?這是一件非常實際及嚴肅的 事,是每一個人必需面對的,沒法能逃避。你知道你死後往那裏去嗎?我不是想唱高調,但若你不知你人生最後的目的地是什麼,那麼人生的目的也不必談了。你整 個人生只不過是一個過程,工作、休息、再工作;吃完再吃,喝完再喝,玩完再玩。一個過程而已,過程的終結呢?一無所有。說到此處,我心裏實在很難過,我真 不希望各位讀者落得如此的結局。
聖經告訴我們,人死後是有延續的,是有歸宿的,而人在世界上短短幾十年的生命,是為了預備將來的永遠。你認為這樣合情理嗎?你不要以為人死後靈魂存在,飄 流無定,這就算是很好的了。不是的,聖經告訴我們,不單靈魂有歸宿,我們的身體也會復活的:「他們卻羡慕一個更美的家鄉,就是在天上的」(來 11:16);「死人復活也是這樣。所種的是必朽壞的,復活的是不朽壞的。所種的是羞辱的,復活的是榮耀的。所種的是軟弱的,復活的是強壯的。所種的是血 氣的身體,復活的是靈性的身體。若有血氣的身體,也必有靈性的身體。」林前15:42-44。全本聖經說及「復活」超過一百五十次。你認為神這樣安排好不 好?原來我們死後可以去到天上的家鄉,得著新的身體,繼續有意義的活下去,享受神所賜永遠的福樂。我想這是很多人的想望。
你會為明天後天準備,會為十年八年後的事準備,會為退休後的生活準備,但你從不為死後的永遠備準,這合乎理嗎?你認為自己的身體很壯健,可以活到八十九十 歲,而用幾十年時間來準備永遠你覺得太不值得?永遠的福,永遠的禍,就在今生短短幾十年內決定,這實在是太嚴重的事情!永遠,過了一千萬億年還未算是開始 的永遠,就在這短暫的時間內決定,有時甚至在人死前數秒內決定!然而,世上竟然有很多人不單沒有為此作出準備,甚至連想也沒有想過!
「你們心裡不要憂愁。你們信 神,也當信我。在我父的家裡,有許多住處。若是沒有,我就早已告訴你們了。我去原是為你們預備地方去。我若去為你們預備了地方,就必再來接你們到我那裡 去,我在那裡,叫你們也在那裡。」約14:1-3 。
儘管人不為自己預備,主耶穌卻為人去預備。祂真的很愛我們的。祂怎樣為我們預備呢?「因為人子來,並不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,並且要捨命,作多 人的贖價。」可10:45。原來按照神的律法,犯罪的人要接受刑罰,根本沒有可能進神的國:「情慾的事,都是顯而易見的。就如姦淫、污穢、邪蕩、拜偶像、 邪術、仇恨、爭競、忌恨、惱怒、結黨、紛爭、異端、嫉妒、醉酒、荒宴等類,我從前告訴你們,現在又告訴你們,行這樣事的人,必不能承受神的國。」加 5:19-21 。但人誰無過呢?人怎能一生不犯罪而坦然進入天家呢?實在不能。那怎麼辨呢?神抽手旁觀嗎?不是的。神主動差祂的兒子耶穌來到世上,為我們釘十字架贖罪。 各位親愛的讀者,你們千萬不要輕看「贖罪」這件事。「贖罪」是你我進入天家及得永生的關鍵。我們一切從罪而來應得的刑罰,全由主耶穌一力承當!主耶穌甘願 代替我們受罰,為我們犧牲,贖去你我一切的罪!
「他被掛在木頭上親身擔當了我們的罪,使我們既然在罪上死,就得以在義上活。」彼2:24;「祂是愛我,為 我捨己。」加2:20。
罪的問題一解決,我們便立即與神恢復關係,我們立即得著神的生命,我們便能到主耶穌為我們預備的天家,我們可以繼續有意義的活下 去,永永遠遠。
原來接受永生,就是這樣簡單—信。 當你一信耶穌,接受了神的生命後,你的人生觀立即就會起變化。你不再是單為自己生活,你開始為神及其他人而活。你會看見今世的富貴名利,物質享受,終有一 天會過去。你開始不太重視這些短暫的東西。反而你會漸漸地多作一些幫助人及榮耀神的事,而正正就是這些事,給你人生最大的意義,而這些事才是有永遠的價值 的:
source: http://www.fundamentalbook.com/booklet10.htm
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Creative writing
Did some creative writing today for an assignment, would you proofread it oh people out there whose English is far better than mine. It is suppose to be 600 words but I reached to 500 and only written less than half of the story. Then I resolved to cut the story. Sigh. Maybe I should write another longer version to fully describe what I wanted to portray.
Based on the theme 'Lambs to the slaughter'
Based on the theme 'Lambs to the slaughter'
“Thump!”, the sharp metal blade banged against the surface as it crushed through the bones, cutting the flesh in half. The blood squirt onto his face. “Ah, what smell” he thought to himself.
“Lucas! Mister Charlie! Would you be so wonderful to fetch me a pound of those minced lamb meat please?” she said as she tap her fingers on the glass. Her ring glints so brightly and it caught someone’s eyes by the light. She turned towards Mrs. Hopes and tapped on her shoulder.
“Mrs. Hopes oh dear Mrs. Hopes how you been doing?” she said as she touched her cheek on Mrs. Hope cheek.
“Very well thank you. You see I am coming out under the sun and now buying some lamb for a pie tonight. I am certainly making progress.” Mrs. Hopes almost had to shout through the crowd’s noise. She stared at her ring on her finger and looked up smiling again.
“Well I hope you are doing just fine. If there is anything I can help do call me. I will be right at your doorstep.” Mary leaned forward, pat on Mrs. Hopes arm, and leaned back. “You have been in that big cold house for too long.”
“Mrs. Hopes!” Mary and Mrs. Hopes turned to see it was Lucas smiling and holding a bag with both hands, as if presenting a gift.
“Oh wonderful, thank you very much” Mrs. Hopes reached for her purse and took out some cash, shoved it into Lucas’ money box and take her minced meat.
“That should be of your help very much Lucas, your hands are full of blood!” Mrs. Hopes said. Lucas smiled and waved goodbye. The crowd quickly filled the space as Mary and Mrs. Hopes squeeze through the people.
The noises, laughter and thumping noises faded, as the sky turned to a golden shade. Lucas wiped off his blood stained face and pushed himself through the swinging door. The door slammed behind him as he walk towards his truck. “L. C. FHER Butcher” is written in bold on his truck, below an illustration of a women is holding a pie in one hand and a lamb shank in the other. He pulled himself up to his seat and drove into the distance.
Eyes opened. The moonlight glared and a figure rise up on his bed, and his shadow covered most his room, making it even darker. He put on his gloves, a mask that covered half of his face and a big black coat. He reached from underneath his bed and pulled out a large bag and swiftly grabbed more things on his way towards his door.
It was dark and cold, and the rain poured lightly on his face as he smiled. “This is just fine”, he thought to himself. He stepped up to a truck and reached his hand above the truck. Out he pull a large cloth that drapped and reached above the wheels. He stepped down again and tied some strings. Then, quickly he got into the truck and drove out of the gates leaving a trail of black smoke.
The truck slowly and carefully creeped towards a white gate, and make a stop under a tree, its shadows covered the truck wholly. The door clicked as he tip toed towards the gate. He firmly pressed the doorbell and hide against the neighbour wall.
“Oh Mary, I didn’t think you would be so quick am I glad to be seeing you again.” Mrs. Hopes pulled her gown and half skipped to the gates. She pushed the gates open and peered out, smiling.
“Mary oh is this a pr….”
Mrs. Hopes is grabbed from behind, her mouth covered. She could not struggle anymore within seconds as she was dragged into the house. The door shut with a soft click.
Lucas stared at his fireplace, his face glows from the light but the shadows filled his eyes. He sighed as a trail of white smoke blew out through his teeth. He gulped a glass of water and sprayed the rest of the water to the fireplace.
“Thump!”, the sharp metal blade banged against the surface as it crushed through the bones, cutting the flesh in half. The blood oozed out on his face. “Ah, what smell” he thought to himself.
“Lucas! Mr. Charlie!” and old lady in front of him exclaimed. “I found a chipped diamond in your meat yesterday. I should come here to more to find something. Am I so lucky!” she said as he lean back and giggled.
“Oh yes you are indeed you are welcome!” Lucas briefly replied.
“You are very lucky.” Lucas thought to himself as he waved goodbye.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
今晚,再找空簿子时,看到我的旧日记。很多很多的感叹,有一部份我记得我斯了,因为是很贴身的秘密。幸好没有看到吧?不然会哭的更惨。。。不然也有会勾起刺痛我心胸的回忆。 看到我写的每一个字,都是我心里的感受;好的坏的,都让我感叹;因为是我的感受,我知道那时候是怎么样。还有每天写的要立志的东西。几年了??有哪几个已经实现。差不多每一个都写到‘需要钱实现梦想’。好笑的是,工作了,忙了;累了。梦想统统忘记,说什么没时间呀,没有资源阿。。。借口多多。 不过有很多提醒;像是小时候的我在提醒‘大人’的我。。。 给你看其中一个。。
其实它(太阳)一直都在, 只是雨水暂时遮盖了太阳。
Haha i knoe its not related to the blog but yea i guess its my 'edit of the day' thing.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Hate or Love the wind
No, no way im not talking about the infamous RAIN, guy with tan skin and long eyes no im talking about this this huge rain this morning when i go to work.
Ever felt that u cannot control things around you and it is not going where it wants to? I DID! I forgot my small umbrella, so i used a big blue one from my sister's car. The wind is crazy and guess what it varies direction (sumtimes). i hate being controlled by the wind.
where do i want to go? I want to go forward, the wind is the other way, so i pressed on using my umbrella as a shield; moving forward. My lovely boots is wet, my hair is going crazy... ughhh, but u knoe wat tats the direction I'm heading to, it is where i have to go.
I knows it's reallyreallyreally hard to go against the wind. But it just feels.. feels weird, feels agonising going with the flow. My heart tells me to do this, but the situation asks otherwise. I know i know im so idealistic but have you ever thought of it realistically that we are born here to learn all these things and those opposing stuff are there to help us grow?
Why am i not talented enough? Why don't I have enough time? Why is she/he so lucky? We are given different assets and resources and it is how we use them. I wanted to use the red umbrella but who knows i was given a ride and used a bigger umbrella instead. I wanted to work in a company that i favoured very much but who knows im working in a friend's workplace. I'd like to think that all these are not coincidence. I believe there's something to seek and learn. I dunno what's in for me I only ask God to guide me.
Ever felt that u cannot control things around you and it is not going where it wants to? I DID! I forgot my small umbrella, so i used a big blue one from my sister's car. The wind is crazy and guess what it varies direction (sumtimes). i hate being controlled by the wind.
where do i want to go? I want to go forward, the wind is the other way, so i pressed on using my umbrella as a shield; moving forward. My lovely boots is wet, my hair is going crazy... ughhh, but u knoe wat tats the direction I'm heading to, it is where i have to go.
I knows it's reallyreallyreally hard to go against the wind. But it just feels.. feels weird, feels agonising going with the flow. My heart tells me to do this, but the situation asks otherwise. I know i know im so idealistic but have you ever thought of it realistically that we are born here to learn all these things and those opposing stuff are there to help us grow?
Why am i not talented enough? Why don't I have enough time? Why is she/he so lucky? We are given different assets and resources and it is how we use them. I wanted to use the red umbrella but who knows i was given a ride and used a bigger umbrella instead. I wanted to work in a company that i favoured very much but who knows im working in a friend's workplace. I'd like to think that all these are not coincidence. I believe there's something to seek and learn. I dunno what's in for me I only ask God to guide me.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A Shoe
A shoe
A new shoe
can be so exciting
so fresh so many hopes
so many expectations
When you walk on the streets
When you look down to your feet
All the wonders will take you whenever you go
The more you wear
The more it mould itself to your feet
You love it
You love it more
You love it even more
All the good things
you can think of
No matter what people say
You want to hold on
It loves you
so much
Protect your little feet
from sharp stones
from rain
mud puddle dirt
It wishes to stay with you
and so do you
A shoe is still
A s h o e
It will die one day
It will be torn
The sharp stones
The unexpected rain or puddle
The dirt, grease, mud
It does not promise forever
Because you never know when it will vanish
when you will replace your shoe
You love it and it loves you so
It only wishes for a better shoe to replace itself
One day, when it fades...
And the story goes
A new shoe
can be so exciting
so fresh so many hopes
so many expectations
Monday, April 19, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
与人 越来越 距离
痛 不懂 怎样
能 做什么
为了fit in
无法 容纳 任何 位置 吗
等到 死 吗
我 真正 是 怎样
到底 我 是 谁
镜子里的我 为什么 还活着站在这里
感觉是 怎样
感觉是 又怎样
你没想过 吗
每次人看到我 这么 无聊
虽然 我等一下 真的去睡觉
但是 睡觉 起来
还是想一样 东西
等一下 又发脾气
等一下 有妒忌什么什么
也弄到别人 累
差一点 变成 冷冷的
冰冷 可怕 的 女人
越来越 少 知己
最近 才冒险 给自己 机会
相信 有 好朋友
一直以来 觉得 不敢 不配
现在 还是 一点点 怕怕
保留 一点点 也好
好像 好长
你也累了 我也累了
明天 会更好吗
与人 越来越 距离
痛 不懂 怎样
能 做什么
为了fit in
无法 容纳 任何 位置 吗
等到 死 吗
我 真正 是 怎样
到底 我 是 谁
镜子里的我 为什么 还活着站在这里
感觉是 怎样
感觉是 又怎样
你没想过 吗
每次人看到我 这么 无聊
虽然 我等一下 真的去睡觉
但是 睡觉 起来
还是想一样 东西
等一下 又发脾气
等一下 有妒忌什么什么
也弄到别人 累
差一点 变成 冷冷的
冰冷 可怕 的 女人
越来越 少 知己
最近 才冒险 给自己 机会
相信 有 好朋友
一直以来 觉得 不敢 不配
现在 还是 一点点 怕怕
保留 一点点 也好
好像 好长
你也累了 我也累了
明天 会更好吗
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Read title. Yes. Sunflowers. Well its my favourite flower. Not very feminine, not exactly masculine. I remember it is when i was young, i saw my sister plucking a neighbour's sunflower plant. I forgot why she need it for but i know i love the colour, shape and its strong stem because i can see how she struggles to pluck it away. It seems as though it is hard to be conquered.. Then, for some reason we've got sunflower seeds. We plant it in a pot and watch it grow day by day. In a blink it has grown into a humongous yellow flower. I was short then of course. Looking up to see this stretching plant i felt satisfied. Every night we would make it stand in the middle of the lawn and watch the water sprinkle on it from the watering hose. One day it died. Our maid put it out to the sun and we hav even more seed. Seeing it just once is enough. Came to melbourne, i tried to plant it but it didn't last long of course. Such scorching weather kills it after it has grown so FAT. It is so beautiful i dunno why. If i were to ask a gift I'd like to have a sunflower farm, FULL of sunflowers. I am so much opposite to this flower. I'm fragile, hate the sun, and dull. When i'm upset, i got angry to cover my sadness; ppl think i am crazy and cold hearted. When i make mistakes, even little ones; i try to blame others or just got angry, again. LOL. When im scared of ppl's reaction, i lol-ed. When im shy, i lol-ed. My actions contradicts to my so call principles i set for myself. My heart felt to do things that contradicts to 'what i should do'. Choosing b/t caring too much and not care at all. I hate making conclusions. Conclusions doesnt have to be positive? Do i have to say oh like the sunflower i should be bla bla? Mayb i like and hate the way i am now. Maybe i like the fact that i hate myself. If you dun get it i understand. Prob nobody is as crazy as me. Im crazily in love and in hatred. OF myself.
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