Monday, August 31, 2009

My uni life

This post is for who still dunno what i am really doing in my uni course... maybe this will be most useful for Mum.. haha! But anyways....

Well basically my course is game design, we learn various aspects of making a game, from photoshoping skills to how to create a character or using existing game engines to make it work in game; i.e. gameplay, creating game levels, use created 3D art to make it fleshed out in the game!

These are some screenshots of what I have done last semester.... As you can see we have neglected the scale of the train! We have too much to do and we forgot to see the overall picture of the project...

And.... we have made an alteration quite significantly.. Yea that thing on top is a trigger ignore that haha.. So i want to achieve a slightly desaturated 1800 survival horror theme... going away from the 'pretty' look...
still in progress obviously......

And.... we are still looking for GAME MUSIC MAKERS!! Bear in mind, this is a free game... It would be an opportunity to show off ur music making skills in a game mod made by serious modders.... if u r interested email me.
